Inner City Press
Publishing and Taking Action Since 1987
Announcing the publication in November 2021
of Inner City Press' book "Belt and
Roadkill," here
Predatory Bender: A Story of
Subprime Finance, with a non-fiction advocates'
afterword, Predatory Lending:
Toxic Credit in the Global Inner City
To order, click here (secure online credit card orders), or call 800-247-6553, or mail payment directly to Inner City Press (address here) -- or (significantly slower), order through (click here, directly to Amazon's Predatory Bender page), or through Powell's Books, or other booksellers. From Inner City Press, each book is $19.95, add $3.95 shipping & handling for first book and $1 for each additional book
A portion of the sales from each copy goes to the Fair Finance Watch, which advocates for consumers' and human rights. But it's by no means dry, particularly the novel... CBS MarketWatch of April 23, 2004, says it has "some very funny moments." The Washington Post of March 15, 2004, calls Predatory Bender: America in the Aughts "the first novel about predatory lending;" the London Times of April 15, 2004, "A Novel Approach," said it "has a cast of colorful characters." The Pittsburgh City Paper says the 100-page afterword makes the "indispensable point that predatory lending is now being aggressively exported to the rest of the globe." (Click here for that review). The American Banker newspaper of Dec. 1, 2003 ("A Novel Dig at Citi") says, "Mr. Lee draws from his years of challenging bank mergers and lending practices, and appears to blend the images of companies such as Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp." In Commonweal magazine of Dec. 5, 2003, Paul Elie writes that "Predatory Bender... is as vivid an account of life in the Bronx as you are likely to read; more than that, it is a brilliant act of subversion, for within the thriller plot is found a dramatic account of the ways corporations prey on the poor while the rest of us aren't looking." See also, "City Lit: Roman a Klepto [Review of 'Predatory Bender']," by Matt Pacenza, City Limits, Sept.-Oct. 2004. [Bona fide reviewers should contact ICP for a copy]
For a sample first section of each, click the title:
Novel of Subprime Finance
Credit in the Inner
Price: $19.95, trade paperback, 6 x 9
ISBN 0-9740244-1-4, 456 pages, endnotes
Library of Congress Control Number: 2003111283
Canada $29.95 - U.K. £13.99 - Distribution through Ingram,
Ordering from
ICP: check or money
order, add $3.95 shipping & handling for first book and $1 for
each additional book;
sales tax if in NYS
To order, click here (secure online credit card orders), or call 800-247-6553, or mail payment directly to Inner City Press (address here) -- or (slower), order through (click here, directly to Amazon's Predatory Bender page), or through Powell's Books, or other booksellers (Barnes & Noble, Textbookx, Books A Million, Blackwell (UK), etc.). From Inner City Press, each book is $19.95, add $3.95 shipping & handling for first book and $1 for each additional book
Also in libraries, for example Denver, Cleveland State U., and King County, Washington
A portion of the sales from each copy of this book goes to the Fair Finance Watch, which advocates for consumers' and human rights. So buy it already, why don't you? Whew...
For ongoing, up-to-the-minute advocacy journalism, click here for Inner City Press, and a map
Off-site: "New Haven Savings Bank Changes Merit Students' Attention," by Matthew Lee, Yale Daily News, October 23, 2003
Off-site and stuffy: U.S. Banker, May 2001: Federal Reserve - Big Talk, Little Action, (incl. on predatory lending)
On a lighter note, click here to view poem (doggerel) on Citigroup, "Song of Solomon [Brothers]," on the site...
Campaign Finance Reform in The Bronx (Gotham Gazette, April 3, 2000)
Community Reinvestment Act Weakened by Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Shelterforce, Dec. 1999)
Click here for news on Inner City Press / Fair Finance Watch campaigns against predators
Inner City Press -- we've written (and published) the book on fighting predatory lending
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